FAAH (Fatty acid amide hydrolase) is a member of the serine hydrolase family of enzymes. FAAH is an integral membrane hydrolase with a single N-terminal transmembrane domain. In vitro, FAAH has esterase and amidase activity.[8] In vivo, FAAH is the principal catabolic enzyme for a class of bioactive lipids called the fatty acid amides (FAAs). Members of the FAAs include: Anandamide,Other N-acylethanolamines,The sleep-inducing lipid oleamide,The N-acyltaurines.Studies in cells and animals and genetic studies in humans have shown that inhibiting FAAH may be a useful strategy to treat anxiety disorders.
  • JNJ 1661010 EI1394

    JNJ 1661010是选择性,可逆的FAAH抑制剂。

  • URB597 EY1596

    URB597是口服生物相容性的FAAH抑制剂,IC50为4.6 nM,对其它的cannabinoid-相关靶点无活性。

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